Specialty Services

Kylee - Interim General Management

Kylee is often engaged as an Interim General Manager. This allows Kylee to deep-dive into the inner workings of your organisation, gaining firsthand insight into the challenges your team encounters. An interim GM can assist both operationally and strategically:

  • Operational Management: An interim GM can enhance your corporate governance, improve financial management, deliver culture change, improve policies, and enhance processes and technological efficiency. Kylee can also help upskill your team while providing valuable high-level support as a collaborator in the day-to-day operations of your organisation.

  • Strategic: An interim GM can help implement your strategic goals in a measurable and manageable way.

If you’ve never had a GM, or if you have a manager who could utilise my experience, appointing an interim GM can deliver sustainable change to your team and organisation. This work can be completed through a consultancy arrangement or temporary employment agreement.

Cassy - Sports Team Performance

Cassy’s been a part of high performing teams on and off the rugby paddock. Through her service in the Royal Australian Navy, as a sportsperson and now a coach, she has learnt invaluable lessons both through her shortfalls and her successes.

Cassy values the importance culture and leadership play in team work, particularly performance under pressure. Working with teams from the community level to representative, she strives to work alongside teams and embed a sense of inclusiveness and community.

Lifting People

  • High Performance Teams

    Working across multiple industries, with a broad spectrum of people highlighted the commonalities present in high-performing teams.

    We combine business management skills, stoic principles, human behaviour fundamentals and first-hand experience to create high-performing, collaborative teams.

  • Culture Renovation

    Our collective experiences in diverse industry settings have highlighted the universal elements vital to influential leadership and the cultures that prosper under it.

    We integrate our extensive management expertise and studies to guide Leaders in creating environments that empower and propel teams into high functioning units.

  • Team Building

    The craft of team building is a delicate blend of expertise and intuitive understanding.

    We have both experienced the standard, bland methods for corporate team building and want to bring something of value to the teams we work alongside.

    Leveraging our experiences in high functioning environments, as well as, military training, high-pressure operational scenarios and team dynamics with sport, we are adept at nurturing teams that excel in collaboration and shared success.

    Through targeted workshops, tailored training modules, coaching or offsite scenarios, we work alongside teams in any environment.

Improving Process & Technology

  • Process Improvement

    Exposure to a broad range of industries, including defence, law, engineering, accountancy, health, software development, and more… allows us to suggest alternative perspectives to process issues.

    We combine a stuctured analytical approach with an enthnographic approach to suggest process improvements that may cross multiple departments using multiple technologies.

  • Technology Optimisation

    Redesigning and optimising your existing technology may be a better option than introducing new technology. Optimising technology can be as simple as new parameters/attributes or as complex as custom integrations between your systems. Integration allows your systems to “talk” to each other which decreases double-handing.

    We work with your team to help you identify the true problem, in order to find the right solution.

  • Technology Implementation

    Technology-for-technology-sake is a business cost; using technology to effectively leverage resources is a business saving. The difference between the two can be hard to identify.

    We assist your team in understanding when technology is the right tool, help your team select the best technology, and help your team get the most from your technology. We provide practical advice and assist you in understanding the technical world.